The enrichment will take place in the Community Center on February 8th, 2025, from 2:00PM until 4:45PM with the opportunity to attend Mass at 5:00PM here at St. Jude. Our presentation will focus on balance, teamwork, and communication in marriage! We will have time for discussions and questions so please join us for some helpful tips on keeping your marriage fresh from our experiences of 45 years of marriage. Food and drink will be available throughout the enrichment.
At the conclusion of the enrichment, we will be drawing for an overnight at a local bed and breakfast along with an evening dinner at a local restaurant. Tickets for the drawing are determined by completing a bingo on our Marriage Bingo sheets, so they need to be returned to the parish office, physically or electronically, by Wednesday, February 5th to be eligible. There are still some bingo sheets in the gathering space near the bathrooms or on our parish website. That weekend is also World Marriage Day weekend so we will also be providing wedding cake and drinks after each of our weekend Masses.