Blaze is a 6-week study lead by Melissa Kramer and Rachelle Haynes held on Tuesday afternoons from 4:30PM-5:30PM, beginning March 11th. Mothers or mother figures are encouraged to stay and participate with their daughters as often as they would like.
Blaze will teach the girls:
• That they are unconditionally loved by their heavenly Father
• How to differentiate between truth and lies
• How to base their worth on being children of God
• How to pray in their own words
• How to use the Bible as a tool for spiritual growth
• That the relationships fostered in the program provide an alternative to the unhealthy way our culture encourages teens to cope with challenges of their stage of life.
The cost of the program is $20. It includes pizza, the Bible Study book, and a weekly take gift. Please reach out if the cost is not in your budget at the time.